Astrobiology is the scientific study of life in the universe, encompassing the search for extraterrestrial life and the examination of life's potential to exist in extreme environments on Earth and beyond.
Astrobiologists study extremophiles, organisms that thrive in harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures, acidity, salinity, and pressure.
Researchers use Earth’s extreme environments as analogs for extraterrestrial conditions.
Astrobiology drives the quest for extraterrestrial life through missions like the Mars rovers, which explore the planet's surface for signs of past or present microbial life.
Studying extremophiles not only aids in the search for life beyond Earth but also provides insights into the resilience of life on our planet.
Astrobiology requires collaboration across various scientific disciplines.
As we explore other planets for signs of life, astrobiologists emphasize the importance of planetary protection to avoid contaminating other celestial bodies with Earth microbes.